Tuesday, 10 September 2013

SAP Basic Configurations 2

Automatic Creation of Storage Location
                SPRO -> Material Management -> Inventory management and Physical Inventory ->
                Goods receipt -> Create Storage Location Automatically
1.       Plant Level
Table Name: T159L (Default values for inventory management and physical invent.)
Screen Fields: V_159L_X (Autom. Creation of SLoc per Plant)
WERKS => XLAUT (Automatic creation of storage location allowed)
2.       Goods Movement based
Table Name: T156 (Movement Type)
Screen Field: V_156_X (Autom. Creation of Stor. Loc. for Mvt)
BWART (Movement Type (Inventory Management)) => XLAUT
Purchasing Organization
1.       Maintain Purchasing Organization
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Material management -> Maintain Purchasing Organization

Table Name: T024E
1.       Assign P.Org  to Company Code
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Material Management -> Assign P.Org to Company Code
Table: T024E
2.       Assign P.Org to Plant
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Material Management -> Assign P.Org to Plant
Table Name: T024W (Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant)

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

SAP Basic Configurations 1

The first thing that needs to be created in the SAP ECC is the creation of Company, this is not the company code(BUKRS)
1.     Define Company
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define Company.
Enter the basic details of Company like Name, Description, Currency, and Country etc.
Table name: T880 (Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger) The company details will be available in the above mentioned table.
2.  Define Company Code
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting .Copy an existing company code data and edit the details if required.
This is your actual BUKRS
3.  Assign company code to company
SPRO -> Enterprise structure -> Assignments -> Financial Accounting ->Assign Company code to Company
Table: T001
Here you are assigning the created company code to the company defined in the first step. one company can have multiple company code.
4. Define Plant
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistic General -> Define plant
Table Name: T001W (Plants/Branches)
5.  Assign Plant to Company Code
SPRO -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistic – General -> Assign Plant to company code
Table Name: T001k (Valuation area)
6. Maintain storage location
SPRO -> Enterprise structure -> Definition -> Material Management -> Maintain Storage location

Enter Plant for which the Storage location needs to be created.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Company code xx is not set up for materials management.

1. Assign company code to fiscal year variant
    T-Code: OB37
    Normal business fallows Fiscal Year like K4
    Calendar dependent (from Jan to Dec) K4
    Year dependent (from April to March)   V3
2. Assign Chart of accounts to company code
    T-Code: OB62
    Choose our Company Code and Assign as --- INT
3. Assign Material type to Company Code – Maintain Materials at Company Code   level 
    T-Code: OMSY
    Choose our Company Code from position button and specify Fiscal Year (Current Year) and specify           posting period (Current Month) and check Allowed Back Posting periods.
4. QTY / Value updating [OMS2] – Defining attributes of Material Types.
    Materials are vaulted in Company Code level or plant level, usually valuation takes place at plant level,           that means valuation are is plant.Choose Material Type FERT from position button and click on QTY /         Value updating control button.Choose valuation area (Plant) and Material Type (FERT) and check QTY        updating only

Material Master Creation MM01

MM01 (Material Master Create)
MM02 (Material Master Change)
MM02 (Material Master Display)
Create Material
Go to T-Code MM01.

Select the industry sector as Mechanical engineering and material type as Raw material
And press enter.
Select views Basic data 1, Basic data 2, Purchasing, General Plant data, Accounting 1 and click on continue

Enter the base uom, material group, net weight, gross weight and uom in basic data1 tab
Enter the transportation group, loading group and availability check in Sales general/plant tab
Enter the purchasing group, plant, division
Enter the price details in accounting1 tab (Moving average / standard) and save.

Standard & Moving average price in material master

Moving Average Price
Materials are subjected to price fluctuations on a regular basis
Raw materials, spare parts etc are generally use the moving average price because they have to be evaluated accurately. Generally used for purchased materials.
Standard Price
The semi-finished goods and finished products are valuated with standard price because of the product costing angle. If these were to be moving average controlled, then finished/semi-finished product valuation would fluctuate due to data entry errors. This is not a standard accounting and costing practice.